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Derek & Emily Rapp

Fund A Cure Family

Eric & Stacy Moots

We are grateful to the following members of our committee who have worked tirelessly to create a fabulous event.

Loraine Budke

Erin Budke

Kathy Carey

Jenny Crosby

Robin Diedrich

Ginger Eichhorn

Kerri Forsythe

Melissa Fox

Amy Giardino

Angela Goodman

Rich Goodman

Amy Hillemann

Michelle Hillemann

Michelle Iken

Jen Jung

Susan Kerth

Lizzie Kurowski

Connie Kurowski

Joan McGinnis

Carrie Parent

Cindy Patton

Vithya Ramadoss

Megan Rowe

Kathy Stebe

Kristi Weiss

Donna Whipple

If you are interested in serving on the Gala Committee, please contact the

JDRF office at 314-748-7059 or vfreeman@jdrf.org.

We would love to have you join us!

Thank You to Our Sponsors

  • Edward Jones
  • Mercy
  • St. Louis College of Pharmacy
  • Saint Louis Children's Hospital